Content Marketing practices for your Website

Content Marketing practices for website

Content Marketing is always going to be part of the marketing strategy till the Website exists. Content style comes and goes, but the marketing ways stay. For a website of any product, the SEO work needs to be done correctly. You may have the best product to sell, but unless someone knows about it you might as well not have bothered.

A successful Content Marketing strategy will deliver outcomes and push up the ranking on search engine where the target audience can find it easily.

It is easier when said but difficult to execute it precisely. When it comes to ranking your website on any search engine, you should know what kind of content should go up? When is the best time to do social media posts? And also, where do keywords fit in?

Studying the trend that is feasible for your website is of utmost importance and here are some vital practices for successful web ranking outcome i.e. compelling SEO.


  1. List your Content goals

Content can take many forms, as long as it’s publishable online: blog posts, landing pages, press releases, videos, slideshows, articles – the list is reasonably extensive. But with each of these channels there should be a distinct objective. Do you simply want to increase your site’s organic traffic? Your reader to share the video link? Comment on the blog post? Click through from the landing page to your e-commerce site? Knowing what you want from your channel will narrow your focus on the content.


2. Maintain a content calendar
This is a little more strategic than just writing a list of topics and arbitrarily allocating them to weeks throughout the year. Your content needs to be:

a. relevant both to your reader and to your brand; if you’re a financial services company, develop content about this month’s new credit card fees for example, not the latest sports scandal;

b. timely write about Christmas in December, not January. You can also use Google Adwords Keyword Planner identify when keywords related to your desired topic trend best throughout the year; and

c. Interesting: use Google Trends to identify what topics are trending and link your product or service to said topic.

d. original:` never be tempted to co-opt someone else’s scribbles for your own site, and if you hire a copywriter, run their submission through a plagiarism check such as Copyscape before accepting their submission.


3. Write what your audience relates to

Whilst your ultimate goal is to improve your search engine rankings, do not attempt to pepper your content with all the keywords you have identified as valuable, and then expect to rank for everyone. Google does not work on the principle of the more keywords the better, Google only thinks good content is something that’s worth sharing, and engaging with. Therefore, your content must talk to the user first, search engine second. If your audience finds your content interesting, informative, engaging, and – the holy grail – worth sharing, search engines will believe those are pages people want to see, and rank them accordingly.


4. Content should have relevant word count

Short or long, a combination of both is best. Use Twitter, Facebook or YouTube for short content (up to 100 words), use press releases, blogs or articles for long (up to, and even over if you’ve got great content, 1,000 words). Just align your content with the environment in which it sits as well as the level of engagement of the audience you’re speaking to. And always remember the rules for keeping the content audience-focused: it must be relevant, timely, interesting and original, all of which will result in high-quality content and thereby improved SEO.

All of the above practices are very simple to follow and make a habit of it. These practices definitely help in shooting your website ranking on search engine (Google in this case) and maintains the number of clicks on your website.

Content marketing is all that tells about your product and services, and it is the only thing that can get more eyeballs towards your agenda.






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