Content Marketing Trends to look for in 2018

COntetn Mrktng Trends in 2018

To predict the trends in the coming future is always like predicting the weather for next 24 hours. You may or may not be correct, or just a chance that you get few predictions right.

As another year comes to an end, we have seen some trends that has worked like wonder in B2B as well as B2C.

It is till too early to state with certainty what 2018 holds for content marketing, but is wise to keep a close eye on the following trends. This can give a head-start to about how you can prepare your next year’s marketing strategy.


  1. Original Content

When people said content marketing is going to take some hit, no one ever thought about original content to bring in the reformation. Original Content is what everyone needs to talk and think about. The biggies like Google, Apple, and Facebook are said to be investing more into original content creation in the next year.

For marketers, creating original content will be the rage. It is the right time to invest in some quality creation of content and to know how to monetise it.

  1. Right Content Distribution

Creating original content is the first step and you invested in it was a right step. But, the next step is to distribute this content to your targeted audience regularly and in systematic way. Without a proper plan to make this more visible, it might get lost in the clutter all around and won’t make any marketing difference.

Social Media is already on its way to play an important role in content marketing. With the live video feature on every platform, it has become easier to share native video publication.

LinkedIn is already a step ahead in becoming a content distribution outlet with Pulse, and the word on the street is Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are to follow suit.

  1. Content Marketing made to self-sustain

Many of the B2B marketers have stated that content marketing has reaped them more profit compared to the year before. Some of the innovative companies are believed to generate more profitable revenue than the outspace expenses and making content marketing a self-sustaining entity.

This may not happen with your organisation soon enough, but this is bound to happen to your company. Measuring profits and calculating benefits of your content marketing efforts is an important first step in achieving this goal.

  1. Niche publication is the new game!

Online publications have shifted to more specialised topics – niche category. This is basically done to improve SEO factorial and respond to changing search algorithms. This is both challenging and an opportunity if you trying to turn a new leaf.

With niche publications, it is easier to target the audience who are more interested in what you have to say. But on the flip side, everything before this, just becomes too irrelevant.

  1. Artificial Intelligence for Personalised content

The potential for artificial intelligence to play an important role personalised content will likely begin the transformation of content marketing. Companies like Google and Amazon have already begin to create personalised content using hyper specific customer profiles. Better precision analytics will help smaller companies and organisations to do the same.

Although the AI isn’t the recent future, but they exist and their role needs to be addressed. They are used for smaller jobs but they are used effectively and are quite efficient.

It is estimated that AI will take over creation of content in next decade and humans will merely have to oversee and edit when necessary.

  1. Expansion of Content Reach

Content marketing isn’t going to be limited to the marketing department. The way content is playing role in keeping a buyer engaged, the entire company – from sales to HR, to operations to customer service, the value of engaging can be applied.

Application of good content across various departments along the buyer’s journey is expected to become more prevalent in the coming year.

  1. Internet of Things (IoT) and Off-Screen content

Every answer to any query is available on tip of your fingers. Searching an answer for an important query like, “ How do you perform Heimlich?” is easy. But now optimizing your answer so that the search engine chooses your content will play a vital role in coming years.

The Internet of Things is pushing marketers to create content that is available in real life. Devices like Siri and Amazon’s Alex has ushered marketers to not only think of content that performs on screen but also think about how to share their content with customers who interact with IoT technology.

The coming year the content will be more SEO’d based rather than being just some marketing content.

  1. Greater Transparency

Businesses that are transparent, authentic, friendly, and human are more sort by progressive millennials rather than dishonest and untrustworthy companies which are falling wayside.

Heavy brand advertising won’t be part of content marketing in the coming years as it used to be years ago, and disclosure will be an increasing important factor in 2018. Endorsements and influencer marketing are going to play a key role in 2018.

These are few trends that can change and bring reformatory changes in marketing playbook/. Keeping the eye on the horizon and observing the aforementioned trends can be useful in planning your content marketing strategy.




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